
fredag 30 augusti 2013

An e-mail to my friend Farooq about my new girlfriend.

Good day, my good friend Faarooq. I made a connection with a girl 1,337 years ago and I asked her out, she said yes and got a date at McDonalds. I picked her up at noon and we arrived at McDonalds 7 hours later. As we were chatting, I discovered that she is a Starcraft 2 player in the masters league and a CoD player with a 9,12 K/D ratio. She even pronounced ”Zealot” correctly. I was instantly in love.

Her emblem in CoD was beautiful and gorgeous. It was a pumpkin. Her GUID was ”xx_dragon_sweetheart_xx” in all of her games. She was amazed as I told her that I was on a Starcraft 2 winning streak and won a Z33K tournament. 7 hours later, we arrived at her house. She invited me in to play a game of Starcraft 2, and then I discovered something. She wasn’t a Starcraft 2 master at all. She was in the practice league. Her CoD K/D ratio was the same as Ede’s. My heart was crushed. I decided to ditch her and never saw her again. 

The end.